A BRIT UNEXPECTED is out in the world!

You guys! A BRIT UNEXPECTED is out in the world. Truthfully it's been out in the world for a week now, but a new book is kind of like a new baby -- you want to keep showing it off, if only because you can't believe you actually did it. 

I'm so excited to share Claire and Greyson's story with you and even more thrilled that people seem to be connecting with the humor in the book. Writing romantic comedy is tricky because, well, what if it's not funny? I'm easily amused IRL, but what if that doesn't translate on the page? As I wrote Claire's character, her inner voice was funny and a little sarcastic, so I took to Facebook to ask my British friends for help to make it authentic. They definitely delivered! You know that FB videos that come up at the end of the year -- Your Year in Review or something like that? I'm pretty sure that post will top my 2016 video and it will be the best thing ever.

The other thing I'm thrilled people are connecting with is the low angst in the story. The Castle Calder series is unapologetically light and fun. I started writing A BRIT ON THE SIDE after abandoning a manuscript I'd been fighting with for YEARS. Every time I sat down to write that book, my heart felt heavy and I was filled with a sense of dread. Every word felt like it was being wrung out of me. Not exactly ideal working conditions, right? I started Bea and Jasper's story as a way to get out of that head space. Maybe I'd finish it, maybe I wouldn't.

Obviously I did and the idea of a series of companion novels was born. Claire is a secondary character in A BRIT ON THE SIDE, but readers really wanted her story, so viola! A BRIT UNEXPECTED was plotted -- complete with a happy ending for Claire.

Scarlett's book is next and I can't wait for The Boy to go back to school next week so I can dive into it in earnest. I even thought of a tentative title last night while I was brushing my teeth. And even more amazing, I remembered it this morning! I'm going to keep that to myself for a bit longer b/c my lists of working titles are usually long, but look for more info coming soon.

That's all from me today, but I'll leave you with a teaser or two in case you've missed them on Facebook. Happy reading, everyone!

ABU_Typorama teaser.jpg