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Hi. I'm Brenda.  I'm a displaced New Yorker living in the UK. I lived in London for almost six years, but now I'm living in The North, in a tiny English village. We used to have sheep in our backyard! (Sheep!!)  Now we have a new housing development, so I mostly avoid looking out the kitchen window.

My novels are unabashedly romantic and run the gamut from angsty feels to make-you-smile swoons. Hitting the USA Today bestseller list has been the highlight of my career so far because - gah - #authorgoals! When I'm not reading or writing, I'm hanging out with The Boy, talking about random things and being overly strict about electronics.

I like running and Doritos, not necessarily in that order. I also like libraries, old churches and Paris. One day I'm going to write a novel set in Paris, which will necessitate lots of trips for "research." 


Want to get in touch?

My Facebook author page is where I post teasers, sales, etc., but if you really want the goods, come join my reader group, Brenda's Book Babes!

If you want to get in touch otherwise -- to share book recs or funny dog stories (Sorry, definitely Team Dog over here!), never hesitate to email me.